For any organization - whether a law firm, university dorm, government agency or apartment community - unauthorized people need to be kept out. With a variety of options in access control, ranging from standard locks and keys to voice-activated eye scanners, what should you consider when determining your best solution for maintaining a safe environment?


For any organization - whether a law firm, university dorm, government agency, apartment community, or multitude of other organizations - unauthorized people need to be kept out to maintain a safe environment. However, with many scenarios come many possibilities in access control, ranging from standard locks and keys to voice-activated eye scanners. Convenience, cost, and usability all must be considered when determining what kind of access control solution fits you – here are some additional considerations:

How many employees?

With more employees comes greater risk. If an office has one hundred employees in it – all with a metal key to the front door – and one person loses his or her key, the lock needs to be replaced and every person now needs a new key for that new lock. This becomes a nightmare for the office manager, both in frustration, security, and cost. Luckily, with time this technology has evolved into access cards and other advanced alternatives, which most businesses have adopted. Access cards are becoming increasingly discreet (some now Bluetooth-enabled smartphones so you don’t even have to pull it out of your pocket) and increasingly difficult to duplicate thanks to encryption and other best practices.

and to where it is needed. A sales representative does not need access to the warehouse just as much as the delivery driver does not need access to a conference room in the main office.

How much technology is too much technology?

Does a college dorm need an iris scanner at every entrance? Although this could be incredibly safe, the cost would be astronomical at large organizations, and users would probably get fed up with the extensive process of an eye scan to reach a common area. Sure, it would be very difficult for an intruder to get in, but someone with proper credentials can also just hold the door open, or worse, force a way to gain access. An access card, which can be the same as a general ID, tends to work just fine.

How many access locations?

Similarly to having many employees, managing across many locations can pose a great risk too. A keypad with a combination could be effective, but how do you know who is using the code? Because of this control issue, keypads are becoming less and less common and are being replaced with access cards that can be used in multiple locations with identities & credentials managed in the cloud, enabling access reporting so you know who accessed your space, and when. Cards can be programmed to tailored profiles such that authorization is limited to whom

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There are many other questions that need to be asked when making an important decision to protect a business’ assets, whether those are employees, products, or confidential information. It can be a tedious decision making process that should not be taken lightly; luckily there are plenty of answers and solutions to these questions to mitigate risk and keep your business secure. Professional design makes sure your needs are met, and managed services ensure those needs are met on a going basis.

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