Leadership & Strategy

Facility managers must be able to align the facility portfolio with the demand organization’s missions and available resources and be innovative to move forward with their staff and processes to respond to ever-changing requirements.

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Good Governance Creates Great Leaders

Review a model and guidelines by which governance, a quality process for internal/external operations and relations, may be instituted by industry leaders …

Good Governance Creates Great Leaders Read More »

8 Ways to Become a Thought Leader and Grow Your FM Career

Learn practical tips on how to grow your credibility in the FM industry and get recognized as a thought leader by your …

8 Ways to Become a Thought Leader and Grow Your FM Career Read More »

Investigating FM Decision-Making Processes Through a Situation Awareness Approach

This study provides a conceptual model of the Situation Awareness (SA) approach for application in FM, applying the Goal Directed Cognitive Task …

Investigating FM Decision-Making Processes Through a Situation Awareness Approach Read More »